"For years I have wanted to make the effort to get up high into the wilderness to chase pure strain Golden Trout. This year, with the push of a long time fishing buddy, I made it happen. Chasing a specific species, like Golden Trout, provides the perfect excuse to get deep into the backcountry.
"Golden Trout are truly unique and gorgeous to look at. Finding them is not a size mission, but truly about the special character of these fish and the usually remote, high altitude lakes and streams they inhabit."
Native Trout RYW X Sight Line Provisions Bracelet
Native Trout RYW X Sight Line Provisions Bracelet
"While they are native only to the Kern Plateau in California, the California Golden Trout has been introduced across the west, and many states maintain a stocking program of relatively pure strain Golden Trout. Finding a "large" specimen anywhere in the west is no easy task, finding a good one really requires many miles of hiking and many hours of fishing. I encourage anyone who is interested in catching one to put in the time."
- Garrison, RYW Co-Founder
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The first fish I ever caught was a golden trout. At age 6, my Dad and I flew into Monache Meadows before it became part of the Golden Trout Wilderness. I remember that the little golden trout made me think of living jewels. It was in 1961, but I still recall that the hot fly was a size 12 Rio Grande King … thanks Dad!